Can you be okay with how things are?
They don’t have to stay as they are, in fact there is nothing more certain than change anyway, but for this moment now can you simply surrender?
Or do you feel the need for control?
Having a human mind means having a want to control, a desire to know and be certain about things. And yet control really is an illusion. Yes we have a degree of personal agency, but the bigger picture is always just what it is, regardless of how we would like to control and manage it.
Surrender happens when you no longer question ‘why me?’
We could well ask instead, ‘why not me?’.
We can be annoyed when things don’t go the way we think they should, can’t we? Have you seen that in yourself? Sometimes it is easier to see in other people’s situations.
An alternative response is to surrender to the reality of the moment.
When we surrender to ‘what is’ we no longer ‘argue with reality’ and can find a place of acceptance, and then funnily enough we have better capacity to deal with whatever it is we have to deal with. We find a way to be OK.
‘Surrender’ is a wonderful mantra for meditation, and for life! One of the tracks on my Shavasana CD and digital recording is a Surrender meditation – you can get it right now here.
Have you practiced surrendering? What have you found?
While considering the idea of surrender, you might also be interested to read ‘The Surrender Experiment’ by Michael Singer. A book and author I have only come across in the last couple of years: https://untetheredsoul.com/
Much more meaning than is teased out here can be taken from these cards, this is just a starting point.
You can purchase your own set of these ‘Yoga off the mat, contemplations to enrich your practice’ cards from the store HERE.
The gorgeous original picture on the front of each card is by Gayle Stone Art.
*If you are interested in the possibility of surrender and experiencing more inner freedom in your life, then my online course Fluff-free freedom might be just perfect for you. Find out more HERE