The time to be free is now, and your everyday life is the perfect time and place in which to practice.
*Making dinner?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Driving the kids to school? Or dealing with them learning at home?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Preparing for a presentation?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Working out a complicated problem?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Dealing with difficult work colleagues?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Having a conversation with a loved one?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
*Working in the garden?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
Annoyed at having to wear a face mask?
Feel the freedom within and be free.
You get the gist.
Whatever you are doing or wherever you are, there is no better time than right now to be free.
To see the mind for what it can and can’t do, to use it as the wonderful tool that it is, and also to drop back from being so caught up in it that you can be free.
That is the work of yoga. To feel the connection to all that is. To feel connected to the flow of like and totally okay with whatever turns up.
Yes there is work to do. Whether it is paid or unpaid, simple or intricate, life has a doing-ness about it. That is simply what happens when we have a human life.
The attitude that we bring and the willingness to drop back from the thinking mind and into the flow is what makes the big difference.
Now it the time. Your every life is the perfect time to feel into the one-ness, to feel you sense of connection to all, and to be free.
My wish for you is the peace and love that comes from finding inner freedom.
Much more meaning than is teased out here can be taken from these cards, this is just a start. I’d love your feedback and look out for my blog about the next card soon.
You can purchase your own set of these ‘Yoga off the mat, contemplations to enrich your practice’ cards from the store HERE and postage is free in Australia. They make a perfect gift too.
The gorgeous original picture on the front of each card is by Gayle Stone Art.